Our Vision
Our Ambition for the VCSE sector in Greater Manchester is that:
Greater Manchester will have the best VCSE ecosystem in England, supported by shared values, sustainable infrastructure and strong leadership; reflecting the aspirations of the diversity of Greater Manchester people and communities.
VCSE organisations are playing a key role in realising the shared Vision for our people and our place (GM strategy). Everyone will respect the contribution of these organisations to the local economy, decision-making and the provision of services and support to the public. They will acknowledge their value to communities of place, identity and experience and understand the role of local people in leading, shaping and connecting the VCSE ecosystem.
Across the city region, partners from all sectors will come together to create an action plan based on this Ambition. The action plan will support and enhance place-based working, the reform of services for the public and inclusive economic growth, and will be central to sustaining and developing a productive inclusive economy.
Our Priorities
Implement MoU with GM H&SC Partnership
Drive forward sector role in Population Health
Influence Local Care Organisations
Race to the top in VCSE sector involvement in Localities
Exemplar model for sector involvement in work-streams developed (e.g. Mental Health, Cancer)
Effectively influence commissioning, procurement and VCSE investment across Greater Manchester
Enable the VCSE sector to influence commissioning across GM, with an emphasis on co-design & co-production
Enable the VCSE sector to influence procurement practice and VCSE organisations capacity to tender
Drive effective VCSE investment strategies for mobilising communities
Lead in catalysing action to address Greater Manchester inequalities
Ensure H&SC Equalities Board continues to operating well
Work with Metro Mayor to address inequality
Develop and promote a VCSE vision of community (place and identity) and person-led action
Continue to develop a clear VCSE role in an inclusive economic agenda
Promote ‘inclusive economy’ and what it means
Develop understanding and practice around sector’s role in an inclusive economy
Develop our own practical understanding of inclusive economy
Develop a VCSE sector role in employment
Embed VCSE role in an inclusive economy in all our communications
Effectively influence stakeholders & communicate core messages & opportunities to VCSE organisations
Continue to work coherently with GMCVO, VCSE Assembly, 10GM, Equalities Networks, Providers and VSNW
Ensure that VCSE organisations and leaders have a central role in shaping and being part of GM Leadership programme(s)
Who We Are
The GM VCSE Leadership Group is not a representative structure, but in most cases, individuals are nominated by their own networks and are held accountable to their network and/or the Leadership Group by a signed protocol agreement.
The Leadership Group meets monthly and meetings are often used to invite guest speakers on a range of topics relevant to the Sector and GM devolution.
The Leadership Group has formal sub groups dealing with the work that has been prioritised and the Co-Chairs from each Sub Group formally report back to the Leadership Group on a monthly basis.
The Thematic Work that has been commissioned by the Leadership Group has a nominated Lead who report back to the Leadership Group
The formal point of contact for the Leadership Group on the following themes/topics is:
- Governance & Strategy– Warren Escadale
- Commissioning – Alison Page & Paul Martin
- Inclusive Economy – John Hannen & Helen Clayton
- Population Health – Liz Windsor Welsh & Charles Kwaku-Odoi
- Localities & Infrastructure –Susie Wright
- Homelessness – Jo Walby
- Mental Health – Simone Spray
- GM=EqAl – Jules Palfreyman
- Workforce – Mike Wild
Each nominated lead contact of the Leadership Group reports back on any issues to the Leadership Group on a monthly basis.