The Greater Manchester Social Value Network (GMSVN) exists to encourage organisations in every sector to seek relevant social, environmental and economic value from everything they do. It does this by providing opportunities for people to learn, share and deliver more social value.

The network believes that addressing inequality can be everyone’s business and now is the time to take action. In Greater Manchester they will look to use social value to tackle the inequalities around us and make the things that we do, good, fair and sustainable. As part of this work, GMSVN need your help, and are looking for people who can help spread good social value and impact practice across the city region.

GMSVN has been offered the chance to use the tools and resources from the national Inspiring Impact programme to help organisations in Greater Manchester. To do this, they want to recruit between 10 and 15 Inspiring Impact Champions who will receive free train the trainer workshops, mentoring support and access to the tools and resources used by the national programme. In exchange, all they ask is that Champions use the knowledge that they have received as part of their work to help others.

Inspiring Impact Champions will be active across many different types of organisations in GM. They will have an interest in social value / impact, be committed to making a difference in their places, communities and for the planet. They will be in jobs or voluntary positions through which they can commit not only to using the learning from Inspiring Impact in their own roles, but also to inspire others to embed impact into their business or public sector organisation, their charity, social enterprise or community organisation.

The training programme starts in October 2022 . The netowerk appreciates that people’s time is valuable, and you may not be able to make all the workshops, so they will record them all for you to rewatch at your convenience.

GMSVN aims to recruit a cohort of Champions which reaches across all business sectors and geographies of Greater Manchester, as well as achieve a diversity of representation by sex, age, ethnicity, disability or community of identity. They hope that the Champions can be active in ‘inspiring impact’ in as many different places and organisations and communities as possible across GM. This is a pilot cohort, and if successful the plan is to repeat this work in 2023.

Further information is contained in the Expression of Interest (EOI) form and in annex 1, links to both can be found below.

If you are interested in taking part, please return your completed EOI form together with the monitoring form by Friday 9th September to

Expression of Interest Form

Equalities Monitoring Form

Annex 1 – GMSVN Briefing – Insppiring Impact Legacy Project

If you have any questions, please contact