The Leadership Group have supported Mustard Tree to co-ordinate a space for voluntary sector agencies to work together to better represent the issues and potential ideas to help tackle homelessness across GM. We established a steering group which has now merged into the Homeless Action Network (HAN), which helped to establish ‘A Bed Every Night’ emergency accommodation scheme across Greater Manchester. This work also fed into a national review of the homelessness situation in GM. We have reported the need for more support for people with complex health and social needs such as addiction and mental health issues which has resulted in new services being commissioned and supporting the case for investment by the NHS into tackling homelessness.
The next phase of this work is to work closely with the statutory sector around referral pathways and escalation routes into services as well as the 10 year Homelessness Prevention strategy.
How can I get involved?
Details of how to get involved in work to tackle homelessness can be found through the Homelessness Action Network and Mustard Tree websites linked below.
Greater Manchester Homelessness Action Network website
Mustard Tree – Greater Manchester Homelessness Charity