Greater Manchester Mental Health Strategy

There have been considerable pioneering examples of aligned strategic co-design, delivery and developments of our Mental Health Strategy in Greater Manchester. Five years ago VCSE representatives were democratically selected to represent the sector across the GM Mental Health infrastructure and since then a Greater Manchester Leadership group of 22 leaders has emerged representing each locality and leading on system priorities. This approach has resulted in ground-breaking examples of integrated problem solving, examples of tackling structural inequity, increased funds reaching communities and a culture of including VCSE colleagues as equal partners at a strategic and governance level across Greater Manchester.

We continue to take steps to further strengthen this work as VCSE colleagues from geographical/local, issue and identity based perspectives take on more leadership roles to shape and influence the system developments at a GM and locality level. This opportunity to embed more key players in the strategy setting process and to play a key role in the translation of that strategy to local delivery and thematic areas will ultimately improve support and accountability for people across Greater Manchester.