The Greater Manchester VCSE Accord
The Greater Manchester VCSE Accord is a three-way collaboration agreement between the Greater Manchester Combined Authority and the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership and the GM Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Sector* represented by the GM VCSE Leadership Group, based in a relationship of mutual trust, working together, and sharing responsibility. The purpose of this Accord is to further develop how we work together to improve outcomes for Greater Manchester’s communities and citizens.
Accord Partner Logos
*When we talk about the VCSE sector in Greater Manchester, we mean voluntary organisations, community groups, the community work of faith groups, and those social enterprises where profits will be reinvested in their social purpose.
The shared vision for all three parties to the Accord is,
“a thriving VCSE sector in Greater Manchester that works collaboratively with the GM Integrated Care System and the GMCA. This relationship is based on our shared values, and is supported by sustainable infrastructure and strong leadership. We will operate on the basis of mutual trust, respect and transparency.
To achieve this, everyone will respect the contribution of VCSE organisations to the local economy, decision-making and the provision of services and support for the public. They will acknowledge their value to communities of place, identity and experience and understand the role of local people in leading, shaping and connecting the VCSE ecosystem.
Everything we do together will contribute towards our ambitions of having the best VCSE ecosystem in England, working in partnership to end poverty and reduce inequalities for the people and communities of Greater Manchester.”
2017 Accord
The original GM VCSE Accord was signed in November 2017 by the Mayor of Greater Manchester on behalf of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA), with several hundred representatives of the VCSE sector. Similarly, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership and the VCSE sector in GM was signed in January 2017, setting out a new way for VCSE organisations and the health and social care sector to work together.
2021 Accord
Greater Manchester leaders in local government, health and the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector (VCSE) signed a new GM VCSE Accord in October 2021 to work together in a collaborative way to tackle entrenched inequalities over the next five years. The new GM VCSE Accord replaces both the 2017 Accord and the 2017 MoU and sets out an agreement between the Greater Manchester Mayor, Combined Authority and the Greater Manchester Integrated Care System with the VCSE sector, based on a relationship of trust.
Signing of the Greater Manchester VCSE Accord in November 2021
The 2021 Accord agreement also built on the substantial engagement undertaken with the VCSE sector to produce the VCSE Policy Paper (published in January 2020). The Accord also took into account learning and reflections from the Covid-19 pandemic, the 2021 report of the GM Independent Inequalities Commission, the Marmot report ‘Building Back Better in Greater Manchester’, and the development of the GM Integrated Care System (ICS). When finalised, the GM VCSE Accord created a shared collaboration space for the GM VCSE sector to work with public sector partners.
2022/23 saw the Leadership Group working on the first year of delivery of the refreshed GM VCSE Accord, whilst setting out the plans for a further three-year agreement between the Greater Manchester Mayor, Combined Authority and the Greater Manchester Integrated Care System with the VCSE sector.
As the work underpinned by the latest Accord agreement is carried out, the relationship between partners continues to evolve. New evaluation measures are in place and a project plan that covers 2023 – 2026 has been developed. To find out more about the work of the Leadership Group and the Accord visit the our work page on this website.
How can I get involved?
To connect with this work, get in touch with the Programme Manager (Greater Manchester) at VSNW
Key documents
GM VCSE Accord
GM VCSE Accord Annex
Accord Implementation Plan
Accord Explained PowerPoint
GMCA News Article