Population Health

What is Population Health?

Population Health refers to measures to improve the health of a whole population. It includes the physical and mental health and wellbeing of people, while also reducing health inequalities.

What is happening to improve Population Health in Greater Manchester?

Greater Manchester has a strong track record of taking action to improve Population Health and tackle inequalities, and is committed to doing more. Greater Manchester is in a unique position to systematically improve the health of the population through devolution, the development of its Integrated Care Partnership, existing partnerships, and the shared boundaries with a Mayoral Combined Authority.

We know that the VCSE sector plays an important role in helping people to stay well and prevent health problems, as well as supporting those who are unwell. Addressing deep-seated inequalities requires collaboration between the NHS, localities, the VCSE sector, GM Combined Authority, research and education organisations, local businesses, and people and communities.

How is the VCSE sector working together?

10GM is the lead partner under the VCSE Accord agreement on this work. They employ a Strategic Lead for Population Health, envisioned as a shared role between the Greater Manchester VCSE sector and Greater Manchester NHS Integrated Care Population Health team. The role is intended to consolidate and strengthen the influence of the VCSE sector in Greater Manchester decision making and development of the Greater Manchester Population Health system.

VCSE Population Health subgroup

The Strategic Lead supports the Greater Manchester VCSE Population Health Group. This sub-group of the Greater Manchester VCSE Leadership Group brings together VCSE leaders with Greater Manchester NHS Population Health colleagues to update one another on best practice developments across GM, and at a local authority level, and plan how we can have an influence together.

We make sure there is VCSE representation in Greater Manchester Population Health strategy and policy discussions and work together to be as efficient and well targeted as possible. The group meets monthly and is chaired by Charles Kwaku-Odoi, Chief Executive of Carribean and African Health Network (CAHN) and Liz Windsor-Welsh, Chief Executive of Action Together.

VCSE Population Health Data subgroup

The Population Health data sub-group has come together to explore opportunities and support the VCSE sector in generating, sharing, and using data and intelligence. We meet with partners in the Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership and Greater Manchester Combined Authority to explore how VCSE data can be better used to understand and address health inequalities, and demonstrate the impact of the VCSE sector’s work. This group meets every six weeks and is chaired by Charles Kwaku-Odoi, Chief Executive of Carribean and African Health Network (CAHN).

What work are we doing?

Population Health is one of the delivery themes under the VCSE Accord Agreement. This is a three-way collaboration agreement between the Greater Manchester Combined Authority the Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership, and the GM Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Sector. The purpose of this Accord is to further develop how we work together to improve outcomes for Greater Manchester’s communities and citizens.

Our work has four main delivery areas:

  1. Social Prescribing and Person and Community Centred Approaches

Our role aims to maximise the role of people and communities (including through activities such as Social Prescribing, universal and targeted wellbeing and prevention work) in order to sustain and grow preventative activity which addresses the wider social determinants of health and / or activities which support the individuals and groups who are at greatest risk of poor health.

  1. VCSE Data, Intelligence, and Insight

We are working to increase meaningful investment in the VCSE sector at all levels to be able to participate in generating, sharing and using business intelligence, which helps to identify and tackle health inequalities at neighbourhood, locality, and Greater Manchester level.

  1. Developing the Greater Manchester Population Health System

We facilitate VCSE engagement in Population Health policy, systems development and commissioning of prevention programmes and shaping the conditions and characteristics of a population health ‘system’ at different spatial levels. Our work has a particular focus on poverty and cost of living, and protecting investment in VCSE architecture needed to sustain core VCSE delivery of population health priorities.

  1. Tackling Inequality and Fairer Health for All

The COVID-19 pandemic laid bare the impact of deprivation on health outcomes for people in Greater Manchester compounded by a multitude of wider inequalities. Two reports, GM Independent Inequalities Commission report and Build Back Fairer in Greater Manchester (the ‘Marmot’ report) sought to quantify the scale of the challenge and propose potential solutions.

The Fairer Health for All Framework has been developed to respond to these reports, and is vital to the Integrated Care Partnership’s efforts to enhance health, reduce inequalities and create a greener, fairer and more prosperous city region. Our work focuses on resourcing the VCSE sector to be able to collaboratively shape and implement the Fairer Health for All Framework to address health inequalities at neighbourhood, locality and Greater Manchester levels.

How can I get involved?

To connect to this work, get in touch with the 10GM Population Health Strategic Lead at emma.ansell-meehan@10gm.org.uk.

Population Health meetings are held on the first Tuesday of every month.

Data subgroup meetings – TBC.

Key Documents


10GM’s Population Health page
Greater Manchester Population Health