Creating and Sustaining the VCSE Ecosystem

10GM leads the work on locality ecosystem and infrastructure within the Accord. The aim of this work is to develop the VCSE ecosystem by growing VCSE infrastructure capacity and ‘scaffolding’ for involvement of communities of identity, experience and place in each of the ten districts of Greater Manchester by developing communications and collaboration between Local Infrastructure Organisations and system stakeholders at Greater Manchester-level.

 We have two key priorities for 2023 – 2026:

  1. Work together to address common issues faced by VCSE organisations across Greater Manchester
  2. Connect locality and Greater Manchester insight at a strategic level, and influence Greater Manchester and local plans and activity.

To achieve this, 10GM provides project support to GM collaboration projects such as Violence Reduction and UK Shared Prosperity Fund; and supports Local Infrastructure Organisations to connect with other Greater Manchester Networks, such as the GM=EqAL.

We also facilitate monthly meetings of the Greater Manchester VCSE Local Infrastructure Organisations, where we:

  • Collaborate on GM level projects
  • Share information across GM VCSE infrastructure providers
  • Generate insight to influence Greater Manchester strategy and plans
  • Generate shared funding bids to secure additional resources for VCSE local infrastructure
  • Provide peer support and swap, shop and share good practice

The VCSE Ecosystem activity aligns closely with our work on around infrastructure development, which is funded through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

How can I get involved?

To find out more about the Accord VCSE Ecosystem work, please contact

10GM website